The Best Way to Provide Pigeon Control is the Humane Way

Bird netting they are for pigeon control has been an effective method for protecting buildings against pigeons and other birds that are frequently used in cities and towns every now and then. A pigeon control system though, is also a good and efficient method for providing protection for crops Pigeon control.
Pigeon Control for Building and Crop Protection
Problems with pigeons and other birds are very common. Business and property owners have been dealing with the issues for many years now. Pigeon infestation is an awful nuisance and a harmful and expensive liability. That is why using an effective and reliable pigeon control method is highly recommended.
Pigeon infestation usually happens on building rooftops, as well as the ledges, window sills and other surfaces that seem convenient for the bids to land and nest in. Pigeon droppings are corrosive and they spoil the aesthetic appeal of walkways, as well as the equipment and vehicles parked below those surfaces.

The most common problems associated with bird and pigeon infestation include: pigeon droppings (one bird can leave one pound of dropping in a week); diseases like salmonella, toxoplasmosis, histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis; pigeon-hosted pests like mites, lice, ticks and fleas; potential slip and/or fall accidents; unsanitary mess; fire hazards because of nests in chimneys and vents; property damage; and high cost of maintenance, repair and cleanup.
There are chemically formulated solutions that could probably permanently get rid of pigeon problems, but that would mean putting the environment, humans and other animals in danger. The best pigeon control solution should be eco-friendly and humane. Using a netting system is a recommended alternative to synthetic products. With the right netting covering the building or the specific places where pigeons land, no human will be at risk and the environment will be experiencing less abuse.

control system
Enclosing areas with bird netting prevents the birds from gaining access into surfaces where they like to land and spend time at. Netting systems for bird infestation control come in different thickness and sizes and they are designed depending on the requirements. Professionally designed bird netting systems are guaranteed to provide 1100 percent efficiency as long as they are correctly installed. There should be no worries about spoiling the aesthetic look of building facades as bird nettings also come in assorted colors – and they can even be almost invisible from afar.
pest control
The use of humane pest or bird control method ensures that everyone (humans and other animals) stay safe, while preventing to negatively impact the ecosystem or hurting the pest animals unnecessarily. Traps and poison are inhumane methods that can potentially endanger other humans, other animals and the environment. Inhuman methods can also result in more frustrations due to the mess they cause. What you need to do is to keep the birds and other pests away and the best way to do it is to install barriers like pigeon control netting.
This is also the best way of providing an effective protective barrier between crops and birds. Plants are attractive to birds, just as nature dictates it to be. But it would be very bad for your crop gardening procedure if birds and other pests cause damage to your plants, especially the fruits, flowers and vegetables.
Bird netting system allows for efficient bird and pest control. This netting system works at preventing the birds and other pests from reaching specific areas. Bird protection system comes in different shapes, sizes and forms; the most commonly available is a small mesh with 1 to 2 cm squares of holes.
Most farmers prefer the black colored nettings because the black carbon UV inhibitor provides the best and most effective protection against damaging solar rays. The white colored nets are also a favorite (usually knitted or woven with smaller mesh sizes) because they can also act as anti-hail net protection, which is important during the crops’ flowering stage. Green is preferred, as well because this color blends well with the surrounding (and it is the color that is easiest to acquire from DIY stores.
Raffia Twine or Plastic Mesh
The use of raffia twine was very prominent in the past. It was considered as the best crop protection system because it is organic. Sadly though, it is that characteristic that also failed this material from being reusable. Since this twine is organic, it is prone to bacteria, plagues and fungus that could easily lodge between the threads of the strings. When that occurs, farmers have no other choice than to replace, as keeping the twine is like letting the infection stay and destroy the crops. The infection can contaminate the harvest because it can easily spread through the netting and trellis.

mesh durability
It has been tried before to just repair parts of the nets that have been damaged. But such attempts have been very unsuccessful. Replacement was really the best alternative. That meant purchasing another twine netting that would possibly get damaged again before the harvest season.
To eliminate the need to install, repair, replace, install and repeat the whole process again, agricultural specialists have been coming up with better and more effective methods. Synthetic raffia versions have been released and for a while farmers were satisfied. But, the next generation raffia netting proved to be an expensive alternative, and an impractical one according to some farmers.
the plastic mesh
The next alternative to be presented is plastic mesh. It is affordable and reusable – two qualities that would really sell to the farmers. If you are providing support netting for beans or other crops, plastic mesh netting would be the better choice.
Plastic mesh is easy to install (saving labor and time) and making a trellis may not also be necessary. Another advantage of using plastic mesh for placing support netting for beans and other crops is that they will be no need for readjustments as your crops grow.
That means saving you more money for materials and the crops are also saved from harm as there will be less manipulation. Plastic, of course, do not get contaminated because it is not prone to fungus, bacteria and plagues. And lastly, you can reuse your plastic mesh netting.