GUACAMALLAS The Best And Less Invasive Bat & Bird Control Netting

The bird control net
can protect against the damage to crops caused by birds that attack crops are not only measurable in quantity of product consumed by birds, but also damage the fruits and do not get itchy,
one bird, sometimes, can do this with many fruits in one day damaging the entire crop and devaluing its market value since the display of the fruit is not required by customers.
As if this were not enough, a fruit “pecked” by a bird (or bat) could be the source of decay or fermentation of whole harvested box, raising the damage from a single fruit corrupt!
That is why the GUACAMALLAS is the best way to protect these crops are in open field, greenhouse or tunnel.
Anti bird protection is essential for all berries: blackberry, raspberry, blueberry and strawberry, but also needed on cherries, peaches, pears, fruit and generally zapotes whose commercial value is drastically affected by damage from birds.
GUACAMALLAS is easy to install, can be re-used in several cycles of crops and comes in bent, easily transportable rolls. GUACAMALLAS is only a barrier between crops and birds, does not harm the birds or damaged.
The bird net is widely used in the protection of fresh corn for export, where birds may devour the crop and cause great loss to the farmer.
Traditional systems such as anti-bird scares, reflective strips or the famous scarecrows do not work because the birds get used to the visual presence or ranges of noise and close to cultivation to consumption.
If what you require is protecting your crops and your work against birds and bats damage, after many months of waiting sweat investment and financial rewards of a good harvest, GUACAMALLAS becomes your input and chief guardian!
Bird control
is essential to protect farming investments, even in cattle raising operations especially in feedlots where each sparrow can eat almost 3 ounces of grains daily, imagine the cost of having flocks of thousands of birds ravaging thru your silos or feeders.
The losses of each 1000 birds would be 3000 ounces per day (or $192 dollars per day to feed a small flock of birds)… in a month these pests would eat almost $6K in grains, or $72,000 per year!
IN both cases (agriculture and livestock) being able to block access to wild birds has other sanitary advantages as diseases can be brought in from the outside. Food packing plants must consider a good bird blocking system to avoid contamination.

La red antiaves GUACAMALLAS
también se utiliza en la protección de aves de naves urbanas o depósitos de almacenamiento donde las aves incluyendo palomas pueden dañarse o ensuciarse, la red GUACAMALLAS en aves también es muy utilizada para la protección de monumentos y edificios históricos.
Donde la higiene es fundamental como el envasado de alimentos como granos y frutas o verduras, implementar un sistema de control de aves es vital para prevenir estos patógenos contaminantes traídos desde el exterior por aves como las palomas.
Do you want to know more about GUACAMALLAS ? click here!